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Universal Lighthouse

Together for Kisauni

A sustainable support and solidarity campaign

Sometimes the food is cancelled. Families don`t know how they are going to get the food they need for tomorrow. There are hardly any jobs, let alone customers. Everyone fights the battle for survival every day. These are the most urgent concerns and needs of our supported projects in Kisauni, one of the poorest neighbourhoods in Mombasa, the second largest city in Kenya.

The coronavirus pandemic, the change of presidency, the war in Ukraine and other crises have led to a massive rise in food prices. Maize flour, the staple food for ordinary Kenyans, now costs almost twice as much. But prices in all other areas such as transport, school fees, water and electricity have also risen more sharply than here in Europe. For the people in the poor neighbourhood of Kisauni, this means a free fall from poverty to absolute extreme poverty. A situation that hardly anyone in this country can imagine. For this reason, we have launched the ‘Together for Kisauni’ campaign to ensure that the families and people in our projects can meet their basic needs in the long term.

The aim is to support the families of the Good Hope Soccer Academy and Kidogo Basi FC, the school children of the Eagle Wings Lighthouse Academy and the girls of the rubbish dump collection and protection centre with the most basic food and hygiene products.

To this end, we are looking for people in this country who will make a monthly donation and thus pay for this basic security and give these children a real prospect of achieving something in their lives through their own efforts and breaking the cycle of poverty.


Weltladen Mitterfelden

If we can work together to ensure that none of these children go hungry, we take a huge burden off the families and the project managers responsible, such as Shem Lumumba (Good Hope), Coach Collins (Kidogo Basi), Johnstone Maelo (Eagle Wings Lighthouse Academy) and Almas Rama (Dumpsite), so that they can concentrate on the essentials of the children`s development. These everyday heroes have dedicated their lives to serving children in need from a young age. Their tireless commitment and their personal life stories and their very profound motivations for their commitment have in turn given us the absolute confidence and certainty that we can and must support them.

With every donation, we receive a receipt and/or a photo documenting the use of the money without being asked. This complete transparency and its purest intentions are the basis and at the same time the joy of our work. In this way, together we make not only a material but also a very valuable human contribution. It is a recognition of the extraordinary achievements of these people, but also an encouragement and motivating confirmation of their continued commitment.

Support the people of our projects in Kisauni with a monthly or (semi-) annual standing order, stating the purpose ‘Together for Kisauni’, and become part of the community of supporters who are changing the future of so many children for the better.

Thank you very much for your important commitment!

Universal Lighthouse e.V.
VR-Bank Oberbayern Südost
IBAN: DE73 7109 0000 0002 6762 14