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Universal Lighthouse


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Football as a unifying element has the power to overcome borders. Aspects such as status, religion, skin colour or culture are overridden by common rules. Football is not only a source of enjoyment and ...

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"NIKAZI JUNDA" - Drama and cultural association

For Almas Rama, art was the only way to give a voice to his call for change, and also to all the countless people who, according to records, do not even exist. So he founded ...

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Was it fate that a handful of children with their bright eyes and infectious cheerfulness led us to this remote place? So much beauty has already come out of this special encounter and ...

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The caddies from "NYALI GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB"

We have been very impressed by their dedication, humility and self-discipline. John, Dickson, William, Solomon, Jackie and caddy master Hassan are professionals through and through. As a united team, they ...


The meaning of the name "Universal Lighthouse".

UNIVERSAL LIGHTHOUSE not only represents the light in stormy, difficult times, which gives courage, strength and hope to keep fighting, but also serves as a lighthouse beacon for direction. In our case, we are breaking through the invisible walls of the colonialist systems that still shape African countries in particular.

The Original Founder and Visionary of Universal Lighthouse is the Internationally Renowned Mental Coach Bernard Payet. With his real practical approach "Love All, Serve All" and his unique way of leading by example, he also leads the rest of his team, who follow these core values.

In 2020, the pandemic took us to the Kisauni slum in Mombasa, Kenya, where we now support several independent, interacting projects, each of which pursues the same goal in its own way: creating a better, fairer future with prospects for future generations.
Education, sport and culture are the areas of our projects. These three areas should no longer only be accessible to the upper class, but the voices of people and children from the slums must also be heard and respected. Universal Lighthouse trains disadvantaged people in particular to become real leaders.

We are committed to a larger vision and task that goes beyond the sports, educational or culture aspect. Every player, every student or every person in their individual responsibility has the potential to be an outstanding Quality and Nobel Leader.

The more values and virtues such as respect, gratitude, personal responsibility, and purity are lived in the community, the better the team’s performance, and at the same time this creates joy, creativity and satisfaction for all members. On this basis of lived love, real courage and self-confidence arise and nothing is impossible anymore. All of these aspects form the solid foundation of Universal Lighthouse.

We are in daily contact with all the project leaders on site, we continually intervene in current emergency situations and adapt our financial aid to the additional difficult events of the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, environmental disasters, etc. The very core of our work is to gain the realization that we as people and as a society need to "Change" that real change must come from inward within ourselves. Eventually, we will experience that feeling of Human Compassion, Courage and Self-confidence within us. More so, we will be able to start living practically in our daily life, in Greater Harmony with Nature, and in our Global Community as "ONE".

Medical Team

Commitment to Universal Healthcare and Empowerment of Women
Our dedicated medical team is committed to providing universal healthcare for the poorest, including orphans, victims of sexual violence, and people without identification documents. We place particular emphasis on empowering women and girls through our sanitary pad project, offering sustainable solutions to overcome the disadvantages caused by a lack of menstrual products.

Additionally, we conduct educational programs on contraception and sexual education and support a tailoring project that rescues girls from the streets, providing them with education and opportunities for the future.

Direct On-Site Assistance and Prevention Work
We reach the most vulnerable directly through field clinics and home visits in the poorest neighborhoods of Mombasa, including the dumpsites. By building trust and relationships within the communities, we bring medical care directly to the patients. We conduct awareness campaigns on sexually transmitted diseases and malaria, provide support with mosquito nets and treatments, and educate on methods to prevent mosquito breeding grounds.

Our team not only provides medical care but also supports patients on their journey through the healthcare system. We believe in the power of community and that every person has the right to health, and we work daily to make a lasting difference through our projects and initiatives.

Donation account Germany:
VR-Bank Oberbayern Südost
IBAN: DE73 7109 0000 0002 6762 14

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(For donations up to €300, the transfer receipt is sufficient as proof of donation for the tax office.)